2016年国际健美协会IFBB授权环洋为IFBB Dimand Line供应商的证书
The contents of the above certificates are as follows
This Official Letter is from IFBB (International Federation of Bodybuilding & Fitness) to Global Resource International Crop.Ltd.and is to reconcile its legitimacy as the sole supplier or the IFBB Dimand Line of fitness equipment .
The IFBB Dimand Line Product has been officially announced and introduced to the market place since mid,2016
With our best wishes
Rafael Santonja
IFBB President
国际健美协会IFBB在2016年国际健美比賽會場指定環洋 (GRI) 為唯一供應商,圖為国际健美比赛会场上的環洋健身器械。